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'Pupils behave beautifully at all points of the day. They have a secure understanding of right and wrong. The values of trust, love, honesty and truthfulness, respect, friendship and perseverance are embodied in all pupils do and say.' Ofsted 2024

We do not believe in presenting the children with a long list of rules and regulations. Instead the conduct of the school is based on an agreed code of behaviour. This code seeks to encourage self-discipline in the children. The school takes great pride in maintaining the conditions needed to work successfully. This is dependant upon the behaviour of the children and the co-operation of parents to maintain acceptable standards. We therefore ask everybody to:

  • Assist the smooth operation of the school.
  • To respect people, their opinions and their property.
  • To behave in a way which makes it possible for teachers to teach and children to learn.
  • To be friendly, welcoming and helpful.
  • To behave in a socially acceptable way at all times both inside and outside he building.

If problems of behaviour exists that cannot be easily resolved in school, the head teacher may invite parents into school to discuss the matter further.

[ Our latest behavior policy can be found in our policies area ]