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Class 2

Class 2- Year 1 & 2- Miss Machin

Welcome to Class 2 – Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1)

Hello and welcome to class 2!

In class 2 the children move from free choice activities and a play-based curriculum to more formal and structured learning. We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible ensuring the children are given time to adapt to their new routines and curriculum. During the morning we focus on maths, English and phonics, the afternoons cover subjects in the wider curriculum including science, history, geography, art, DT and ICT.

In class 2 we have a topic-based approach to learning, all the work that we do will be linked to the topic we are covering that term.

General Information

Reading - We expect children to be reading most days and for parents/carers to sign their child's reading record to acknowledge this. Please ensure that your child has their reading book and reading record in school every day.

All homework will be handed out on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday. Homework consists of MyMaths which is completed online and a piece of written homework which can be found in the homework folder link above.

PE- is on a Tuesday afternoon, children should come to school in their PE kit.