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Class 3

Class 3 - Year 3 & 4 - Miss Butler

Miss Butler and Mr Gaye welcome you all into Class 3 where you are now part of KS2! The main focus when joining KS2 is focusing on expanding reading comprehension and ensuring key mathematical concepts like Times Tables are secure. 

General Information 

Each morning begins with reading time and is followed by English and Maths. The afternoons cover the wider curriculum in which subjects such as: Geography, History, RE, Science, ICT and Art and Design are taught. Below you will be able to find the link to browse what topics are being covered and when. 


PE is every Tuesday afternoon. We ask that children come into school wearing their P.E kits (white T-shirt, black shorts/joggers, black hoodie/jumper and black trainers or pumps). 


Homework is set each Tuesday and should be returned the following Monday at the latest. 

  • English homework is set on worksheets or on Google Classroom
  • Maths homework is set on
  • Children are expected to read for 20 minutes per day. Every time you read with your child, please write it in their reading diaries and count it for rainbow readers. 
  • Timetables practice should be ongoing and is accessed via Times Table Rock Stars. 


This half term we are studying

In English we are studying