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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an integral part of daily life at St. James' lead by all staff, it is the time when we gather together to affirm what is important to us, to our school and to our world.  We take care to plan our collective worship so that it is inclusive and inspiring. During collective worship together, the school affirms the beliefs of Christianity which underpins the values and vision of the school. It provides an opportunity for pupils to worship God, whilst seeking to be relevant to, and inclusive, of all.

Collective worship in our school influences the way that we live together as a community and before God. Most days the whole school gathers together, and at other times, the act of worship is in smaller class groups, this gives an opportunity for individual children to be more actively involved and to explore themes in greater depth for the appropriate age levels.

We pride ourselves on the strong link between school and St. James The Great Church. The school and the church share monthly worships, celebrations, and festivals.

Learning from the world around us!

At St James, we use Picture News to introduce children to current affairs, discover their interests and bring the world closer to their everyday lives.

Each week ‘Picture News’ chooses a current news story, provides and image, a thought-provoking question and a variety of resources to encourage children to discuss, debate and form opinions. This gives us the opportunities to teach children British Values, respect, tolerance and to celebrate differences.

The Picture News documents below give parents an overview of the topics our pupils have explored.

Picture News Coverage -  Autumn 1

Picture News Coverage - Autumn 2

Picture News Coverage - Spring 1

Picture News Coverage - Spring 2

Picture News Coverage - Summer 1