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Admissions Consultation 2026-27

St. Chad’s Academies Trust wishes to formally consult with you regarding St. James CE Primary’s admissions arrangements for 2026/2027.

In line with the School Admissions Code, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements every 7 years even if there are no planned changes (see para 1.45 of the Code).  Failure to do so will be in breach of the Code and may result in a referral being made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.

We are not proposing to make any material changes to the arrangements.  However, your opinions are important to us, and we are keen to receive your comments on the arrangements before they are formally approved. 

A full copy of the proposed admission arrangements is available below.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 18th November 2024.

Please send your comments FAO Mr Dobson to: