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Parents are welcome in our school at all times.

We believe that close and effective partnerships with parents and carers are the foundations for children to thrive and flourish during their time at St James CE Primary Academy.
We are committed to working with parents and carers in a positive partnership at all stages of your child’s education. The Academy is dedicated to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with you and share information about your child’s progress and actively seek your support and involvement in our work.
There are many occasions when parents are invited into school. These include termly consultations and meetings when aspects of school work are discussed. Parents are also invited to concerts, special assembles and services, parents / grandparents lunches and celebration days both at school and St. James' The Great Church.
Parents are a valuable source if help in school. A number of parents volunteer their time to hear children read, organise resources and offer assistance in classrooms. We value this partnership very highly indeed. Furthermore, there is an active P.T.F.A. which organises events to raise much needed funds for the school. All parents are very welcome to join the P.T.F.A at any stage.

Parent / Teacher Consultations

Autumn Term

  • 1-1 meeting for 10 minutes
  • Books available

Spring Term

  • 1-1 meeting for 10 minutes
  • Books available

Summer Term

  • Written report
  • Open evening

We believe that by working co-operatively, parents and teachers can best support and encourage the child/ children in both their academic and social attainments. We believe our open policy towards parents is the most beneficial in terms of child development.